Thursday, November 5, 2009

Almost finished painting

I'm almost finished painting the living room.

Alas, I have not worked out once this week. I said three times this week right? Hmmm, I think I'm actually going to flake on you. I really, really really need a workout partner. Volunteers anyone?

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Painting Continues

I started painting, took a break (like a two week break) but now I'm on it again. My living room will be completed by the end of the week - see I just committed so I have to do it right? Right!

As far as working out, I was doing great on my own there but then...something happened. Last week Dee Dee from work asked if I was working out and I said "yes" which was true but then I haven't been since. What's that all about? Anyway, I'm committing to work out three times this week.

I really do need the accountability because on my own I just get too lazy. Lazy isn't actually the word because I am always doing something, just not what I ought to be doing. I did write an entire month of Children's Church curriculum last week and that is work, actually a lot of work. I went shopping, baked brownies for my children (I have one teenage son at home but the boy is social, oh so social, so I have "my children" over all the time) I worked a full day at work for another person, so see, I am busy but with things I prefer to do not what I need to do.

Ahhh, to know oneself. Well, now that we all know all about me let's see if I can do better this week. By the way, my house....complete mess. So after the painting I'll have to get back on that ever so loved house up-keep crap (see my attitude does not help). I'm useless without you guys.

Please pray for God's speed this week; I'll need it.