A simple walk around the downstairs of my house made my next project obvious, more than obvious, is there a word which means more obvious than obvious? How about abundantly apparent? Crystal clear? In-your-face? No matter the word, laundry and clothing control is my next project. As a matter of fact, I have already begun working on it (aren't you proud of me?). So, here's the list:
Day One (that's today):
Make room between the extra closet upstairs and my downstairs closet for all my clothes to have a proper home - meaning not draped over a chair. (I'm getting that little urge that my clothing is going to cause another worldly injustice if I allow it to...so, I won't think about it).
Get all washed clothing into their proper place
Put all socks, underwear, etc. away
Get all clothing items in the pink room either put away or packed away for Goodwill
Day Two:
All clothing items belong to my sons into their rooms and put away
Establish an organizational system for clean laundry to be stored (individual baskets for all members of the home maybe?)
Disclaimer: my husband loves to wash laundry, he just doesn't put it away; he piles it all around for me to do and well....we've already talked about my problem with putting things away - hence this blog.
Establishing some kind of organization system will be the challenge. I need to come up with a place for my husband to pile the clean laundry yet a place it can stay a day or two until I can get to it. Hmm, that's going to take a bit of consideration. Ideas anyone?
Day Three:
Clean laundry room (it's quite small so that's why we don't store clean laundry in there).
Dust and mop floor.
OK, that's a good start on my next project. Now, I'm off to finish day one. See you!
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