Friday, October 16, 2009

The Painting Begins

Yesterday I bought an 8 foot ladder and today I overcame my fear of heights and climbed that 8 foot ladder and began painting my living/dining area and I didn't chicken out because I was home alone. I LOVE the paint color. There is a lot of room to paint but I decided to start one wall and I am now finished (well mostly finished there are all those finishing touches one has do to with paint) and I am really, really happy with the paint color. I am also exceptionally pleased with how easy the border I had on the wall came off; I used a little trick I read on the HGTV web site. Basically rather than buy wall paper remover you just add a little washing detergent and water, score the border/wall paper, soak with the solution let it sit a few and then remove; mine came right off. I guess the enzymes which removes dirt in clothes is the same as the enzyme in wall paper remover - whatever the reason, it worked and didn't cost me money or a trip to the hardware store.

I am now covered in paint and look like I've been busy all day. By the way, I did work out this morning. I have had a productive vacation day; never fear a nap was had, I do have priorities ya know.

I'll report on my painting progress tomorrow. I hope you all have a nice weekend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today was a warm, sunny day (a bit too warm for me) so I took the break from the rain to tackle a little outdoor project which is way overdue. I laid weed barrier and lava rocks along the walk-way up to the house. I also put down a new "welcome" mat and replaced a black, ugly plastic bin my husband uses for weeds and rose bush cuttings with a nice, green planter pot and swept and rinsed down the entire walk-way. All that activity made a bunch of ants very angry with me so I put them out of their misery with a big of bug spray, just to ensure they didn't make their way into the house.

So the walk-way up to our house now looks nice and neat. I do believe I need to paint the front door soon (boy my painting projects are adding up aren't they?) and I'm pretty sure I'm going to paint it red.

Anyway, another day of vacation spent getting stuff done. Don't worry about me overworking myself though, knowing that it is a vacation day, I made sure to get in a bit of shopping and a nap. I consider it a day very well spent. Three more days of leisure then it's back to work. I think I'm ready, I miss my little tykes and am ready for their warm hugs as well as the ladies I work with. I'll be taking them a whipped key lime pie using Memaw's recipe so they'll be happy to see me too. However, I have enjoyed the time off and am sure I could fill several more weeks with house projects but I do believe the time has come to rejoin the working class.

Until tomorrow - God bless.

Back into the swing

I believe I am back into the swing of things here at home. There are so many little projects to do around a house. Yesterday I organized and cleaned out two drawers and two cabinets. I was motivated to clean and organize drawers and cabinets when I was visiting my Aunt Nonnie (aka Memaw) in Florida. That lady is organized; I mean really organized and not in a "you better not touch" way either. If you need a nail clipper, a drink of water, a tissue, she has one (even in the car). Anyway, I was motivated to move beyond the exterior of my house and clean up and organize those "unseen" areas also. Still have a ways to go but doing good so far.

I even went to the gym and worked out yesterday. Speaking of working out I really need accountability, and in a big way, when it comes to working out so I'm counting on you, my dear friends, to be my workout partners and keep me accountable. So, I'm committing to you that I will work out on Friday and...shall I commit to Saturday? Yeah, Saturday too, I need to get back into at least three days a week. So, tomorrow and Saturday my body will be at the gym for at least 30 minutes on the cardio, crunches and...well that's all I'm committing to; I am still on vacation you know.

I'm off to find my next house project which will probably be organizing and cleaning more drawers and cabinets, I still have lots of cabinets and drawers in this house of mine. I haven't forgotten about painting either but I'm just not there yet; you'll be one of the first to know when I get there. Until next time; my God keep you and yours.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hot and Cold

I came back from sunny, hot and humid Florida to find it cold with wind and rain. I prefer the wind and rain - I do not do hot well at all. Actually, I still have the rest of the week off from work so yesterday the cold wind and rain made it a wonderful day to decompress from my time away from home and putter around the house tackling a few smaller projects - I cleaned out the bottom of the refrigerator and two junk drawers. I also unpacked (I usually allow it to sit in the suitcase a few days and up to a week) and put everything away.

The male population of the home did an okay job of keeping the house from total disaster while I was away. I have a day of work ahead of me to get it back into tip top shape but it's obvious they tried and I am always grateful for effort.

I so enjoyed the time with my family. My Aunt Nonnie (better known as Memaw) loves to putter around stores looking for good deals and I accompanied her. I found three pairs of shoes and a winter coat all for a great price. I believe people in Florida must have bigger feet because I had no problem finding shoes to fit my very big size 11 foot and here in California I have a horrid time finding my size (I usually have to pour my foot into a size 10 to see if I think an 11 will feel comfortable then have the store search the computer for my size at another store and have them shipped to me if an 11 is even found) and never on sale. Needless to say I hit the jackpot in Florida and am happy, happy, happy. I won't even go into detail on what I had to do to find room for all my "new stuff" in my already full luggage. There was a time when I didn't consider myself a very girly girl but I believe that may be changing because I am beginning to dig....dare I say it??? SHOPPING. Here is where I should tell you what I bought for everyone else but well...I didn't; just me. I am going to make my men, as well as the ladies I work with, a key lime pie using Memaw's recipe; that will be delicious and it didn't take up luggage space. Savvy huh?

OK, I know I said I may paint my living room but you will also remember I didn't commit and I'm still not. I have chosen the paint color though. I am putting this project off because we have high ceilings in that room and frankly, I am not looking forward to being that far off the ground and have decided it is best to have someone else in the house when I'm dangling my body on a ladder that far up. So, I have sufficiently justified my procrastination due to a safety issue and wisely so I think.

Well, I am off to begin other small project around my house today. So, on goes the music and off I go. Have a good day and enjoy the rain (we need it). God's speed.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Almost the end of the week

One more day of work and then I get ready for my vacation. I'm excited to visit family I haven't seen in a couple of years. I'm leaving the men home and going off to see my family all by my lonesome (don't feel sorry for me, I'll be anything but lonesome).

As far as working out: I have worked out twice this week and will go after work tomorrow and then 3o minutes of cardio on Saturday morning (goal of 4x's this week will be accomplished). That should get me ready to eat like a pig and do nothing on my vacation (something wrong with this scenario isn't there?). Oh well, I didn't make any promises for my vacation now did I?

I have a couple of projects I will need to get on when I get back from Florida but, for now, I'm not ready to commit to them so I won't talk about them just yet. I have kept the house neat so I'm doing good on upkeep. Upkeep is a problem of mine, I seem to do OK with working like a crazy person to clean something but then I let it go - since this blog I haven't been letting it go and I'm pretty happy with the way things look.

Well, if you don't hear from me for a while you know where I am. Until then God bless and take care.