Thursday, October 1, 2009

Almost the end of the week

One more day of work and then I get ready for my vacation. I'm excited to visit family I haven't seen in a couple of years. I'm leaving the men home and going off to see my family all by my lonesome (don't feel sorry for me, I'll be anything but lonesome).

As far as working out: I have worked out twice this week and will go after work tomorrow and then 3o minutes of cardio on Saturday morning (goal of 4x's this week will be accomplished). That should get me ready to eat like a pig and do nothing on my vacation (something wrong with this scenario isn't there?). Oh well, I didn't make any promises for my vacation now did I?

I have a couple of projects I will need to get on when I get back from Florida but, for now, I'm not ready to commit to them so I won't talk about them just yet. I have kept the house neat so I'm doing good on upkeep. Upkeep is a problem of mine, I seem to do OK with working like a crazy person to clean something but then I let it go - since this blog I haven't been letting it go and I'm pretty happy with the way things look.

Well, if you don't hear from me for a while you know where I am. Until then God bless and take care.

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