Friday, October 16, 2009

The Painting Begins

Yesterday I bought an 8 foot ladder and today I overcame my fear of heights and climbed that 8 foot ladder and began painting my living/dining area and I didn't chicken out because I was home alone. I LOVE the paint color. There is a lot of room to paint but I decided to start one wall and I am now finished (well mostly finished there are all those finishing touches one has do to with paint) and I am really, really happy with the paint color. I am also exceptionally pleased with how easy the border I had on the wall came off; I used a little trick I read on the HGTV web site. Basically rather than buy wall paper remover you just add a little washing detergent and water, score the border/wall paper, soak with the solution let it sit a few and then remove; mine came right off. I guess the enzymes which removes dirt in clothes is the same as the enzyme in wall paper remover - whatever the reason, it worked and didn't cost me money or a trip to the hardware store.

I am now covered in paint and look like I've been busy all day. By the way, I did work out this morning. I have had a productive vacation day; never fear a nap was had, I do have priorities ya know.

I'll report on my painting progress tomorrow. I hope you all have a nice weekend.

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