Monday, September 28, 2009

Another week

Another week begins. I got my room finished...well, not finished but cleaned and neat. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do in that room but it is clean and ready for whatever I do decide to do in it. I think I want it to be a quite, reading room. There's a big, comfy chair in there and I hung some pictures but I'm not sure what's next. Oh well, it's clean.

This is the last work week I have before I get off for two weeks vacation. I will be visiting my aunt in Florida for a week and then I think I might paint my living room but I'm not sure on that part. I'll report back when I decide.

I will continue with my workout plan but this week...dare I say? I will hit the gym four, yes four, times; I am adding in an extra day of cardio. I really like telling everyone my plans because it really does prompt me to actually do what I plan in my head. I guess I was taught to do what I say I'm going to do and lying really isn't my forte so you guys keep me honest. Thank you.

Well, it's off to work. My little cherubs will be full of energy and ready to play so I better get on over there and get ready. I work with toddler aged children and they are cute, cute, cute but full of energy, needless to say I don't sit much where I work (see told you guys I'm not lazy, I just hate housework).

By the way, I heard from a friend that my 16 year old son mentioned how clean our house was and how much he liked it. I never knew he really cared. I am touched.

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