Saturday, August 15, 2009

Devising a plan

OK, everyone needs a plan. A mission statement maybe??? No, just a good ol' plan should suffice. My plan today, other than taking a nap, will be to devise a plan. I need to start slow and planning doesn't actually require me to clean anything; I think I'm off to a good, slow start don't you?

First and foremost I am committing NOT to buy anything to assist me in planning this plan of mine. I say this because I am famous for buying "how to" books only to have them become part of the endless clutter. I know how, it's the doing I'm having a problem with. I have book after book on cleaning and organization...if only I could find them. I have so much stuff already that I will only buy something which is absolutely necessary to the "cleaning of my house" process but only AFTER I have tried to find an adequate substitute which I probably already own anyway. I will confess all purchases here on this blog to hold me accountable to you, not that there is any you out there but hey a girl's gotta feel important, for any unnecessary expenditures.

Did I mention I cleaned my sister's kitchen this morning? I did. She fed me and kept me, I cleaned; maybe there's hope for me yet.

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