Saturday, August 22, 2009

Humbling experience

Day one on project #2. The entry. What a humbling experience. I begin to pick up all the shoes which have piled up in the entry with the intent of giving them to their respectful owners to put away; imagine my dismay to discover almost all the shoes belong to me. Hmm, that's an eye-opener. My husband owns two pairs of the shoes, my son one pair and the rest are...mine. Now here is the real confession - there are 17 pairs (yes, that's 34 individual shoes/flip flops) of footwear, piled around the entry and they are all mine. That, ladies and gentlemen, is humbling, embarrassing and humiliating all at once.

OK, now to find homes for all those shoes. You know, I didn't even know I owned that many pairs of footwear, guess I do. That would explain why I can never find the shoes I'm looking for, huh?

Anyway, I cleaned up the pile of shoes and used used Clorox to clean the tile and the area looks really nice. Now...where to put all those shoes? Day two of project #2 - tomorrow. Until then I'll be looking for a place to store all those shoes. Do I really even need that many shoes, I only have two feet? This might be a good time to consider a more minimal lifestyle. Ahhh, things to ponder.

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