Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today is day four and I completed days two and three which means I am still one day behind but I will complete day four on day five which, lucky for me, I haven't scheduled any housework for.

OK, I need help with shower scum. That is awful stuff! I scrubbed and scrubbed and used this Lime-away stuff that's suppose to just "melt" it away but I do not believe my carpel tunnel is now flared-up because of the "melting" process which was supposedly taking place. The shower looks much better but perfect it is not. Anyway, I am now on the search for the perfect shower scum dissolver. Maybe I'll discover it somewhere along the way like I did the cure to dust allergies, make millions and then hire a live-in maid (ahhh, to dream).

Good news, not only did I complete days two and three (albeit late) but I also prepared dinner for my husband. Do I rock or what? OK, maybe if I rocked at all this domestication stuff I wouldn't have started this blog but hey, baby steps people baby steps.

Tomorrow I will complete day four and assess the damage of another room so I can proceed with my house cleaning, organization project. Next week, I may even add an exercise plan to the mix...or not.

Good night and God bless.

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