Monday, September 28, 2009

Another week

Another week begins. I got my room finished...well, not finished but cleaned and neat. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do in that room but it is clean and ready for whatever I do decide to do in it. I think I want it to be a quite, reading room. There's a big, comfy chair in there and I hung some pictures but I'm not sure what's next. Oh well, it's clean.

This is the last work week I have before I get off for two weeks vacation. I will be visiting my aunt in Florida for a week and then I think I might paint my living room but I'm not sure on that part. I'll report back when I decide.

I will continue with my workout plan but this week...dare I say? I will hit the gym four, yes four, times; I am adding in an extra day of cardio. I really like telling everyone my plans because it really does prompt me to actually do what I plan in my head. I guess I was taught to do what I say I'm going to do and lying really isn't my forte so you guys keep me honest. Thank you.

Well, it's off to work. My little cherubs will be full of energy and ready to play so I better get on over there and get ready. I work with toddler aged children and they are cute, cute, cute but full of energy, needless to say I don't sit much where I work (see told you guys I'm not lazy, I just hate housework).

By the way, I heard from a friend that my 16 year old son mentioned how clean our house was and how much he liked it. I never knew he really cared. I am touched.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

No more excuses, I'm on that room.

So my son is well and he got his stuff out of the room I need to work what excuse can I use to get out of it? OK, none. Besides I already started on it. I hung the blind in the window which uh, um, my husband was suppose to do (never wait on a man honey or you'll be waiting forever) and got all the junk out of there and vacuumed and it's looking pretty good so far. Right now I'm washing a cushion cover (hope it doesn't shrink) and writing my blog.

So today I will bless you with my wisdom on waiting for a man to help you. Don't! Just don't, it won't happen or if it does he won't be patient enough and will say something rude and you'll be frustrated and he'll come up one night all cute and sexy wanting to be close to you and you'll want to bite him (not in the seductive kind of way) and he'll have absolutely no clue whatsoever what is wrong with you and you'll just be pissed. Here's the best martial advise I can give. If you want something around your house done learn how to do it yourself. Get yourself a little tool box (hide it so no one can help themselves to your tools), a cordless drill (really, I do have one - love it), and a little tool belt (mine was a gift and it's pink). Then when you ask your most wonderful to hang, install, sand, patch or whatever it is you'd like him to do because he's the man and biologically created to do these and he doesn't do it within a reasonable amount of time (in the case of the blinds I waited 2 months) you just do it yourself and say nothing. Viola, marriage saved!

Oops, I forgot one integral part of the above. You must not skip this step or you will be in divorce court before the day is over. Make sure your most wonderful IS NOT home when you take it upon yourself to do his job. He will try to take over, offer advise, or supervise and you will have absolutely no patience for such nonsense (remember he was suppose to do this) and the fire will burn in the home that day and no good whatsoever can come from such a scenario; I guarantee that.

Sisters, my most wonderful is wonderful but let me tell you if we were to ever divorce it would be because of stupid little things described above. When it comes to big stuff we work together very well but little things. Little things! Let me tell you that's what can ruin a marriage little things and after 21 years of marriage, it ain't worth it. Let it go, you just gotta let it go. This takes years and years of practice but it is by far the best thing I have ever learned so remember - let it go. Life is hard and there are real issue you have to face; let the little things go. This works well with children and friends and co-workers, etc. also, but is especially important in marriage.

OK, enough for today. I have some pictures to hang before Mr. Wonderful gets home. Ta, ta.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

How can it be Thursday?

Wow! Thursday already. I have already worked out three times this week so I have kept to the promise I made on my blog to work out three times a week for two whole weeks (boy am I sore today, lol). My husband has been off work the last three days and I had to work so my house isn't as up-kept as I'd like but it isn't too bad. He returned to work today so I can begin to get things back into order when I get off work this afternoon. My husband is rather neat but he does leave things out (for easy access he says) which doesn't fit in with my new "neat freak" persona. He did mop every floor in the house while he was off so I'm not really complaining; my man is not lazy he's always doing something and, God bless him, he cooks.

Will check in this weekend. Until then God bless and may life smile upon you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Oh, oh - call me a liar.

OK, I wrote last week about how I haven't lied to you and how I have completed everything I have committed to but here it is Sunday and my upstairs room is still undone. I also told you all I needed my son to help and well...he's sick and I need him to get that stuff he stored in there out to move forward - I can't move it; too heavy for me (and I'm pretty strong). I know he's really sick because his butt hasn't left the bed and he doesn't want his friends around so he is down for the count (if you know anything about my son, at all ,you know he is all about his friends and he doesn't want them here right now; should I dial 911?). Anyhoo, if you don't mind, I'm putting that room off until next weekend (even if you do mind but I'm banking on the fact you have a heart for a teenager who doesn't even want his friends around).

Anyway, this weekend has been low key but I've done some laundry and, the most important, I have paid all my bills, balanced my bank register and updated financial records. So, you see, I haven't been sitting on my laurels.

For now I plan to stay with upkeep (boy there is plenty of that) and focus on the upstairs room next weekend when my boy is feeling better. I also will have him do a dump run when the weather cools down. We have a bunch of junk stored on the side of the house which needs to find it's way to the dump but I just can't make my baby do it in this heat because I know I wouldn't do it in this heat and it's just wrong to have a double standard for a human being you love more than life itself (that would be my 6'2" baby).

Until next time - God's blessings upon you and peace in your heart.

Friday, September 18, 2009

OK, I may have messed up on one of the days of my workout but I have worked out three times this week. I did it and I've got a few sore muscles to prove it! I even set up an appointment with an exercise instructor for Monday to help me design an exercise plan to make sure I'm on the right track.

My upstairs room isn't finished but that is because I need my son to stay home long enough to move some heavy stuff out of the room; I'm good but I'm not that good. Anyway, I think I will have to postpone the completion of that room until tomorrow (Saturday) since I need his help. He's been working a lot this week and I prefer him to work for $$ then on my room for love (though he may not love me when he's finished moving that stuff; not for a few minutes anyway).

But, to assure you all that I haven't been sitting around doing nothing, I have kept up with laundry and keeping the house picked up and vacuumed all week. So, right now if someone dropped by I could actually invite them in without nary a thought of my house being messy.

I am glad it's Friday. Hard day at work and I'm glad it's over. I love children; I could totally do without a lot of adults. For those of you who don't know, I work with children; toddlers right now (they're so cute albeit active) - I do love those babies and can become quite the mother hen when it comes to my babies but that's another blog.

Will check back in tomorrow and let you know what I've accomplished. Until then, look around and find a blessing for every negative thing going on. I find when I do that the blessings really do out-number the negatives (just the fact my children and husband are alive and well and love me makes up for most negatives). Peace and God Bless!


It's Friday!!!!! Do I need to say more?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oops, my bad!

My last blog was on Tuesday and I said I would work out on Wednesday but I didn't. I was called on this faux pas by a wonderful woman I work with and I told her "no, I said I'd work out three times this week not that I'd work out tomorrow (which was yesterday)". Upon re-reading my blog of Tuesday, I realize she was right - my bad! I do apologize. Thank you for calling me on it, I do need to stay accountable. This dastardly mistake happened when I set up a work-out date with a friend for Wednesday but she had to put it off until today so I thought, hey I'll wait too (in reality I was thinking, hallelujah! I don't have to workout) but I would have gone by myself if I had remembered I committed to the specific date in this blog. So, my mistake. I am just hoping the wonderful woman I work with realizes how wonderful I think she is and let's me off the hook (think all this kissing up helps?).

Anyway, the good news is my friend and I met up today and had a very nice workout AND I now have a workout partner (in addition to you guys) to help me stay accountable. My friend, Dondie, joined the gym with me and we are going to become two mean, lean, fightin' middle age divas - so watch out world. OK, so maybe all we'll do is firm up and feel better but a girl can dream can't she?

Comments. I have heard from several people they can't leave comments on my blog. I'm not sure why so please, if you are reading this, try to leave a comment just to see if it works. This is how to leave a comment. At the bottom of this post (today's blog) is a spot in smaller type which says "0 comments" you should just be able to click that and a comments box should come up for you to leave a comment. If you try and it doesn't let you comment please e-mail me at: and let me know. You can, of course, always comment to my e-mail too but that function should work on the blog and it works when I try it so I'm not sure what the problem is. Anyway, please try to leave one even if you just say hi.

OK, that's all for today. I am excited to have a workout partner. Maybe between her and you I will actually stay with it awhile. I believe I'm in for some sore muscles in the next few days so if you see me moving around slow, have mercy. Until next time - PEACE!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I have been reluctant to mention that I need to add regular exercise to my sluggard blog. Reluctant because I know once I put it out there, in print, I have to either do it or confess I didn't do it and the thought of admitting I didn't do something I told you I would do has had a tremendous affect on getting me to do housework so maybe, just maybe, it will work with exercise too. Still, the thought of a little nap after work rather than exercise is so much more appealing and relaxing and just plain luxurious. Yet, as I look at my very flabby stomach and legs it is quite obvious that a bit of exercise would do me a world of good.

The good news is, I actually forced myself to the gym today's the clincher, I even worked out. I know, hard to believe but I did and thus far I have not lied to you in this blog (though the temptation has been there; but then what's the point?).

So, with trepidation and an inner voice screaming "don't do it" I am committing to workout at least three times a week to you, my blog fans (though I'm pretty sure none of you actually exist, on the off chance that you do, I'm committed).

Tomorrow I will do cardio for 20 mins., sit-ups and abdomen exercises and at least three different arm exercises. I'm starting slow, if you don't mind, I need to move the next day. Those of you who think "that's nothing girl, what's the point?" let me remind you that nothing is exactly what I have been doing so, from where I am, any form of movement is better than that.

OK, I've done it! I've committed to exercise so let's see how I do. I'll report back on that and the disgusting housework thing in a day or two. By the way, my next home project is to finish preparing a reading room for my husband and myself; I've already painted the room but then stopped. I will give myself until Friday to have it complete and ready to use. Along with this project I will also keep the clean parts of my house clean. That's actually three projects this week alone: exercise, finish the room and housework upkeep. Boy am I rockin' or what? Maybe off my rocker is more like it, lol. Until next time; happiness, inner peace and God's blessings upon you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The beginning of another work week; where did the weekend go? The last you heard from me I was throwing a temper tantrum about housework upkeep. Well, the tantrum is over but I still hate housework. I did decide to give myself a break on Sunday and did no housework at all, though I did organize the Children's Ministry room at church after service was over. I did not overwork myself, I had help and I made sure to fit in a nice, relaxing nap (ahhh, my favorite).

The new Church year has begun and the classrooms are clean, neat and ready for action. I do love working in children's ministry; children are the coolest, most honest creatures to deal with. I wish we adults kept more traits from our childhood. You know when a child (the younger the better because they haven't learned to cover up their feelings) is upset or mad at you; baby you know it. They will scream, cry and yell to make sure you know of their displeasure. Parent's train their children to stop all that nonsense but you know what? I can handle it. If I know I've upset you I can try to fix it. We adults go around pretending all is fine when there are a ton of emotions going on inside. Of course, a world full of adults throwing temper tantrums (not unlike that one I threw on Saturday, uhh, umm) would be unpleasant but the point is we should all be a bit more honest with our fellow human beings about what's going on inside. Otherwise, no one knows you need help, kindness or a shoulder to cry on. Just a thought.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Whaa, Whaa ): Oh poor me!

OK, I wrote at 10:35 this morning and have just finished with upkeep. Upkeep - it's 2:00 - I hate it! I have vacuumed, dusted, cleaned mirrors, sinks, wiped down, picked up and I said the house didn't even look that bad. I hate housework. I absolutely hate it. There are so many other things to do in life. I have decided we just flat out have too much house. I know, people love big houses, the bigger the better but 2,300 sq. ft. is too much for me to keep clean and enjoy life. We use to have a very small house, 900 sq. ft. and it was compact but I did not absolutely abhor cleaning it. I'm sure there is an in-between size house that keeping clean isn't completely overwhelming yet everyone can have their own room and move around without bumping into each other.

My husband loves big houses, he'd have one bigger than this one if we could afford it. I do not like it; I do not like it Sam I am. Now, that's not completely true, I like the house there's just too darn much of it. I want a smaller house. My life is busy, I like to do things, I do children's ministry, I work, I like working on projects (not cleaning) refinishing a piece of furniture, etc. but anytime I take on a project like that the house goes to hell and then I spend the next week just trying to regain ground again AND who wants to put a beautiful piece of refinished furniture in a cluttered, messy, hell-hole of a house?

I really need a housekeeper...or a smaller house; not that this is a great time to sell. It's a good time to buy but not sell and without selling for a decent price we're done for (like most people). So, I guess I will just complain to you, say a prayer and remember I am blessed and I am; I'm just feeling over blessed right now (is that possible?). OK, I'm whining like a stupid little baby (not that babies are stupid; but I am behaving in a stupid manner) but you know what? I don't care....I HATE HOUSEWORK!!!!!

The weekend - a time for rest or work?

I look around my house, which is quite clean, and think, hmm, it wasn't too very long ago when I wanted to turn around and walk back out because the mess was overwhelming. I must admit this is nice but now another dilemma has been created. I want to paint and redecorate everything. Talk about costly AND time consuming. I think it's time to talk myself down, way, way down. I have lots of drawers and cabinets which still need organizing which can take up my time - though I never said anything about cleaning those (I am still me ya know; outa sight outa mind that's my motto). Maybe it's time to get into a good book.

Today, I could refocus on my pink room. I cleaned it but somehow it has become the "storage" room for things I picked up from other areas of the house and now it's beginning to look cluttered again. The good thing about that room is I can close the door, not go in there and pretend it doesn't exist. I like rooms like that, don't you.

We're having strange weather here today. I heard thunder earlier (reminds me of home in Florida) and it is now cloudy with a bit of drizzle; interesting weather for this time of year. I noticed the Bean Festival was going on today when I was out early; I've never gone because it's always too hot and I don't do hot but I might actually make it today - I don't mind drizzle as long as I'm not too hot.

Anyway, the day is wide open as are my choices. I'll get back to you on what I decide to do: Book? Pink room? Bean festival? Choices, sometimes they're good sometimes they're not; I haven't decided which they are today.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Check out Matthew Mead's newest Halloween magazine: Hundreds of Spooky Treats and Clever Crafts for the Best Holiday Ever! Beautiful photos of easy, creative and fun projects and straight-forward directions and patterns that will appeal to crafters of every age. On newstands now throughout the U.S. and Canada!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ahead of Schedule

OK, my hallway is done...done! Absolutely done in one day no less. For those of you concerned that I may be near exhaustion I just want to let you all know - I even got to nap. Ahhh, I do love when life cooperates, which isn't often, so I'll just bask in the afterglow of knowing I can mark off one more project. Now....what next?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I hope everyone enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend. I had the chance to slip off to visit my friend in Nevada City for "chick weekend" a.k.a. no men allowed. Now don't get me wrong;
we do love our men but, honey please, there are times a girl just has to go off and be a girl. Anyway, the weekend is over and it's back to real life and real life means I have to decide on my next project and...I have.

My next project will be my upstairs hallway which has become the "hall of doom" if you ask me. I say doom, because if you don't watch where your step - you're doomed. Anyway, with the rest of my house looking quite nice the time has come to stop ignoring the upstairs eyesore, not to mention death trap, and clean it up. I believe the project will only take one day since the hall is quite small but just for fun, and the fact I need to fit in a nap, I'll break the job down into two days. That way, the hall will get it's much needed cleaning and I'll get my daily required nap. A time of rest and a clean hall, now that makes everyone happy (me being the only everyone here but since I'm the one writing this blog and cleaning the hall, I'm the only one who really counts and we wouldn't want me to completely lose the basics which makeup the being of who I am; now would we?).

Today is Tuesday and I'll start after work tomorrow and finish on Thursday. This is my projected schedule subject to change depending on whatever whim I may whim upon however, as you've all seen, I have completed every project I've committed to here in this blog so please have faith.

Until next time ya'll. Be thankful and God bless.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Those who know you best

My dear friend from way back when I wuz a kid, and then horrible teenager and even when I was a really, really, really stupid young adult (involved a male, of course), has expressed concern for my new obsession with domestication, lol. You know, I get it girl; it's unnerving isn't it? You've been there through thick and thin, Belinda, surely you can ride this one out with me too? You have always been the more level headed one honey, you know I gotta do this. Ahhh, I love friends, especially the one's who have known you forever; they tend to be between the eyes truthful (though Belinda has always been that way). You know, she has always given really good advise - I mean like the kind you should listen to...hmmm, maybe she's on to something here.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bedside Manner

My side of the bed is now neat, tidy and dust free. I tell you my house is looking...not bad. Guess it's time to find another project. Hmm, you know, my house is looking good enough the next project isn't tripping me as I walk by making what I need to do so obvious. There is, of course, always drawers, cabinets, closets and other "hidden" areas to clean but really, I am me. I'm going to ponder upon the next project for now. I'll let you all know what I decide. Tomorrow, I will just go around the entire house and vacuum, dust, tubs, toilets and straighten, you know all that upkeep stuff one must do. Actually, I feel I may be getting sick, my throat hurts and I don't feel so good. I'm really a bad sick person so I sure hope not. OK, will fill you in on my next project soon. until then - ta, ta.