Thursday, September 24, 2009

How can it be Thursday?

Wow! Thursday already. I have already worked out three times this week so I have kept to the promise I made on my blog to work out three times a week for two whole weeks (boy am I sore today, lol). My husband has been off work the last three days and I had to work so my house isn't as up-kept as I'd like but it isn't too bad. He returned to work today so I can begin to get things back into order when I get off work this afternoon. My husband is rather neat but he does leave things out (for easy access he says) which doesn't fit in with my new "neat freak" persona. He did mop every floor in the house while he was off so I'm not really complaining; my man is not lazy he's always doing something and, God bless him, he cooks.

Will check in this weekend. Until then God bless and may life smile upon you.

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