Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oops, my bad!

My last blog was on Tuesday and I said I would work out on Wednesday but I didn't. I was called on this faux pas by a wonderful woman I work with and I told her "no, I said I'd work out three times this week not that I'd work out tomorrow (which was yesterday)". Upon re-reading my blog of Tuesday, I realize she was right - my bad! I do apologize. Thank you for calling me on it, I do need to stay accountable. This dastardly mistake happened when I set up a work-out date with a friend for Wednesday but she had to put it off until today so I thought, hey I'll wait too (in reality I was thinking, hallelujah! I don't have to workout) but I would have gone by myself if I had remembered I committed to the specific date in this blog. So, my mistake. I am just hoping the wonderful woman I work with realizes how wonderful I think she is and let's me off the hook (think all this kissing up helps?).

Anyway, the good news is my friend and I met up today and had a very nice workout AND I now have a workout partner (in addition to you guys) to help me stay accountable. My friend, Dondie, joined the gym with me and we are going to become two mean, lean, fightin' middle age divas - so watch out world. OK, so maybe all we'll do is firm up and feel better but a girl can dream can't she?

Comments. I have heard from several people they can't leave comments on my blog. I'm not sure why so please, if you are reading this, try to leave a comment just to see if it works. This is how to leave a comment. At the bottom of this post (today's blog) is a spot in smaller type which says "0 comments" you should just be able to click that and a comments box should come up for you to leave a comment. If you try and it doesn't let you comment please e-mail me at: and let me know. You can, of course, always comment to my e-mail too but that function should work on the blog and it works when I try it so I'm not sure what the problem is. Anyway, please try to leave one even if you just say hi.

OK, that's all for today. I am excited to have a workout partner. Maybe between her and you I will actually stay with it awhile. I believe I'm in for some sore muscles in the next few days so if you see me moving around slow, have mercy. Until next time - PEACE!

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