Monday, September 14, 2009

The beginning of another work week; where did the weekend go? The last you heard from me I was throwing a temper tantrum about housework upkeep. Well, the tantrum is over but I still hate housework. I did decide to give myself a break on Sunday and did no housework at all, though I did organize the Children's Ministry room at church after service was over. I did not overwork myself, I had help and I made sure to fit in a nice, relaxing nap (ahhh, my favorite).

The new Church year has begun and the classrooms are clean, neat and ready for action. I do love working in children's ministry; children are the coolest, most honest creatures to deal with. I wish we adults kept more traits from our childhood. You know when a child (the younger the better because they haven't learned to cover up their feelings) is upset or mad at you; baby you know it. They will scream, cry and yell to make sure you know of their displeasure. Parent's train their children to stop all that nonsense but you know what? I can handle it. If I know I've upset you I can try to fix it. We adults go around pretending all is fine when there are a ton of emotions going on inside. Of course, a world full of adults throwing temper tantrums (not unlike that one I threw on Saturday, uhh, umm) would be unpleasant but the point is we should all be a bit more honest with our fellow human beings about what's going on inside. Otherwise, no one knows you need help, kindness or a shoulder to cry on. Just a thought.

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