Saturday, September 12, 2009

The weekend - a time for rest or work?

I look around my house, which is quite clean, and think, hmm, it wasn't too very long ago when I wanted to turn around and walk back out because the mess was overwhelming. I must admit this is nice but now another dilemma has been created. I want to paint and redecorate everything. Talk about costly AND time consuming. I think it's time to talk myself down, way, way down. I have lots of drawers and cabinets which still need organizing which can take up my time - though I never said anything about cleaning those (I am still me ya know; outa sight outa mind that's my motto). Maybe it's time to get into a good book.

Today, I could refocus on my pink room. I cleaned it but somehow it has become the "storage" room for things I picked up from other areas of the house and now it's beginning to look cluttered again. The good thing about that room is I can close the door, not go in there and pretend it doesn't exist. I like rooms like that, don't you.

We're having strange weather here today. I heard thunder earlier (reminds me of home in Florida) and it is now cloudy with a bit of drizzle; interesting weather for this time of year. I noticed the Bean Festival was going on today when I was out early; I've never gone because it's always too hot and I don't do hot but I might actually make it today - I don't mind drizzle as long as I'm not too hot.

Anyway, the day is wide open as are my choices. I'll get back to you on what I decide to do: Book? Pink room? Bean festival? Choices, sometimes they're good sometimes they're not; I haven't decided which they are today.

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