Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I hope everyone enjoyed the long Labor Day weekend. I had the chance to slip off to visit my friend in Nevada City for "chick weekend" a.k.a. no men allowed. Now don't get me wrong;
we do love our men but, honey please, there are times a girl just has to go off and be a girl. Anyway, the weekend is over and it's back to real life and real life means I have to decide on my next project and...I have.

My next project will be my upstairs hallway which has become the "hall of doom" if you ask me. I say doom, because if you don't watch where your step - you're doomed. Anyway, with the rest of my house looking quite nice the time has come to stop ignoring the upstairs eyesore, not to mention death trap, and clean it up. I believe the project will only take one day since the hall is quite small but just for fun, and the fact I need to fit in a nap, I'll break the job down into two days. That way, the hall will get it's much needed cleaning and I'll get my daily required nap. A time of rest and a clean hall, now that makes everyone happy (me being the only everyone here but since I'm the one writing this blog and cleaning the hall, I'm the only one who really counts and we wouldn't want me to completely lose the basics which makeup the being of who I am; now would we?).

Today is Tuesday and I'll start after work tomorrow and finish on Thursday. This is my projected schedule subject to change depending on whatever whim I may whim upon however, as you've all seen, I have completed every project I've committed to here in this blog so please have faith.

Until next time ya'll. Be thankful and God bless.

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